A Mustafa Karyağdı Exhibiton

Piramid Sanat Presents:
A Mustafa Karyağdı Exhibion

September 7 – November 4, 2023

"A Mustafa Karyağdı Exhibiton" is preparing to meet art lovers at Piramid Sanat in September.

"The laws have been broken; will we be able to live without rules? Modernism has pushed us into disorganiza5on. We are in a state of despair with the chaos it has created…"

With its developing technology, the world we live in has turned our accelera5ng life into a flowing image that we watch on our screens. Now we monitor the exhibi5ons, the scenery, the matches, the clouds we shape, and even ourselves through a high-resolu5on glass. We cannot exist unless we "share." Instead of the pleasure we ought to get from life, we priori5ze the sa5sfac5on of its reflecton in society.

Mustafa Karyağdı takes the figures and scenes out of our screens and places them in front of our naked eyes. While doing this, he wants to create a healing percep5on for the audience, almost like a glass of cool water...

When we look at Karyağdı's pain5ngs, we some5mes come across a familiar scene, some5mes with a memory that has been forced and imprinted in our minds... Figures isolated from the environment provide a fascina5ng moment. And at that moment, the viewer, leR alone with the figure, is swept into thinking about the story behind the appearance. The ar5st does this without oppressing or forcing.

"Art and life, like the story of Narcissus, are held cap5ve to each other. They embrace each other's reflec5ons and embody the inseparable dualism, ambivalence, and a desire that is difficult to fulfill, such as end-means, existence-non-existence, and death-life. The life imposed by modern life, the break between desire and reality, appears as the problems of art intellectually. I want to evoke emo5on in the audience to make them feel what they cannot speak through my pain5ngs."

Don't miss this opportunity to experience Mustafa Karyağdı's unique perspec5ve, look at the inner reflec5ons of the rapidly changing world, and dive into the thoughts of moments frozen against 5me. This is, A Mustafa Karyağdı Exhibi5on…

A Mustafa Karyağdı Exhibiton can be seen at Piramid Sanat un5l November 4, 2023.

For more information :

Elif Baş m. +90 (542) 5547182 t. +90 (212) 2973121

piramidsanat.com | piramidsanat@gmail.co

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